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(Being the Change Affinity Network)

The XR Being the Change Affinity Network (XR-BCAN) is a new formation of groups and peoples determined to make good on the potential of Extinction Rebellion, by helping bring together a growing network of communities of resistance in unifying people's power to win true planet repairs. Not by demanding psycopathic governments and elites change, but by Being the Change we as a global family need, the true liboratory change that has been fought for through generations of resistance throughout the world - especially within our Indigneous and Global South communities. We are based in the UK and from here seek to bridge North to South in direct, meaningful and power building relationships of action learning internationalist solidarity.


There is much more of course and as such, we invite you to watch our initial Strategy talks below:

  Strategy Talk - Day 1                                                Strategy Talks - Day 2


             Strategy Talk - Day 3                                       Introductory Thought Shower    

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And after you've watched, make sure you open up the    

BCAN Seedpod   

and start exploring many of   

the resources behind our     

thinking and work.               

This is a time for active    

curiosity and this is an  

invitation to            


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Who is initiating BCAN?
Drawing on their shared experiences within XR and much more, there are 7 founding members of the network - who are:

- Gail Bradbrook (top), co-founder of Extinction Rebellion  
- Kofi Mawuli Klu (top left), co-founder of Stop the Ma'angamizi and XR Internationalist Solidarity Network (XRISN)
- Skeena Rathor (centre), co-founder of XR Visionary Cultures
- Esther Stanford-Xosei (top right), co-founder of Stop the Ma'angamizi and XR Internationalist Solidarity Network (XRISN)
- Kobina Jerry Amokwandoh (bottom left), Affinity Youth Network (AYN), Global Majority Vs

- Stuart Basden (bottom right), co-founder of Extinction Rebellion
- Robin Ellis-Cockcroft (bottom), co-founder of XR Youth and RYSE – Radical Youth Space 4 Educations

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BCAN Flagship Project: PRALER

- the Planet Repairs Action Learning Educational Revolution -

A joint initiative of communities of resistance, organisations, and networks,

glocally BUILDING AND promoting the UBUNTUPACHAVIDYA peoples' communiversity of planet repairs action learning (UPCOPRAL)

Launched in October 2022 with the Reclamation of the Walter Rodney Freedom Square in SOAS University London, and our Glocal Declaration, PRALER is a process to connect and support all peoples with a true interest in the power of education for Planet Repairs.


Based in the powerful educational process of our family across the world - read about their projects here in the PRALER Booklet - we'll be developing Communities Of Lifelong Learning Studay Action Groups (COLLSAGs) to amplify this work as a direct challenge to the rampant forms of mis-edcuation that are seen throughout our Schools, Universites and beyond. As such, we must relearn that if our communities are going to be truly powerful we must take back collective ownership of our educational processes - just as our Family do! - and thus join them through PRALER in the essential building of UPCOPRAL and together bring All Peoples to Power!

Go to the PRALER Website for more info and to Get Involved!

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Join our compere generals to hear the Glocal Declaration and opening statements for our PRALER (Planet Repairs Action Learning Educational Revolution) launch week!

Hear from Omar of Radio Zapote in Mexico, Desire of UNN TV in Uganda (joining from Canada) and YaYa Rootz of Krem Sunday Review in Belize for Glocal Dialogue on Liberated Media!

Groundings invitation with


You're invited to an Internationalist SOlidarity Knowing of Yourself and your Place in the Pluriversality of our World of Many Worlds' Groundings with Mother Earth!


This is an Action Learning Programme inviting you to book an appointment with XRISN and XR-BCAN at the GHOPPIS - Gaia House of Peoples to Peoples Internationalist Solidarity - in London.


This is a perfect next step towards the politics and direction of both XRISN and XR-BCAN and a chance to introduce your communities work. A chance to discuss the similarites and difference in opinion and tactics, to elaborate the PRALER Process and more - it is an invitation to come together and share how we're collectively struggling to win Planet Repairs!


You can register interest from in and beyond Europe through the follow channels:

Tel/Whatsapp: +447737602484


Follow BCAN and Get in Touch
Many thanks and blessings to our family at XRISN for hosting this page - please do sign up to our BCAN Mailing List below to stay up to date + click the form - if you are interested in finding out more!

BCAN Blogs

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